Avocado Kiwi Smoothie (Paleo) | Recipe

This smoothie is inspired by the avocado shake I recently had at a local Thai restaurant. It was surprisingly very delicious that I wondered if I could make it at home and here's a recipe with my own added twist!

It is so simple to be even called a "recipe", but enjoy...  

Ingredients (1 large Serving):
- 1 large ripe avocado (I use a hall avocado)
- 3 kiwi fruits peeled
- Approx. 3 ounces of unsweetened coconut milk (I use 20% of Thai Kitchen's organic coconut milk
- 1 tsp of lime (or lemon) juice 
- Approx. 15oz of Ice cubes (basically slightly less than a 500ml bottle of Poland Spring) 
- 1 tbsp of raw honey (I use Wedderspoon raw honey)

Prep: 5 minutes
Cook: 1 minute

*Please note that I eyeballed the quantities when I came up with the recipe-- feel free to add more or less to your liking. 

1. Cut the avocado in half, take out the seed, and scoop out the flesh. It should come right out if it's ripe enough. (I'm sensing a rhyme! hehe)
2. Scoop out kiwi fruits as well. There are many ways to cut kiwi fruits; I personally cut one in half and scoop the inside out with a spoon. 
3. Put all the liquid ingredients as well as avocado and kiwi flesh into a blender. Blend away

There you have it. The most amazing smoothie ever to exist
I love how it's ever-so-mildly sweetened, packed with nutrients and vitamins (but high in calorie as well *cough*), and that it keeps me satisfied between meals.

Please comment down below if you tried this, would love to hear from ya! 


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